Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection."
- Psalm 91:4

For some reason, my neck and back were annoyingly stiff and sore yesterday, and I was getting so bitter attributing my pain to my car accident and a particularly person (who honestly has no fault...unless I'm feeling resentful -_-). Sometimes, I really forget how lucky I am. I was on the parkway with that drunk driver for a while and he could have hit me at any point even more traumatically than he actually did. My car was flung from a stop 180 degrees into the intersection. Thank God there were no other cars on the road. I'm so stupid and so ungrateful to complain about minor manageable back pain. I'm here and I'm fine. God, thank you so much for protecting me. Thank you for every other time you've protected me. Anything could've happened to me today but didn't. God's refuge doesn't have to be so obvious. He protects me from accidents I am unaware of. How blessed I am.