Monday, January 3, 2011

I haven't been sleeping well or been able to fall asleep in a few days. This happened for a couple of months when school started, and now it's happening again. For the same reason. I need closure. I have so much anger and so much grief bottled up inside me. But is there any point in saying what I'm feeling when I can't even express it accurately... or when it won't even begin to illustrate or force the person to understand the gravity of the torment I've been going through? What good would it bring even if they did sympathize? It's USELESS. And my worst fear is that I'll never recover.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't so weak. I wish I could just punch the crap out of someone who deserves it and not feel bad about it later. But I know myself... the guilt will only bear further misery. Tight life. I'd be a crappy ass bully.